<i>Life.</i> <i>Enhanced.</i>
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Life. Enhanced.


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This is where it all began for NuVessl’s innovative product development using NLP. Decades ago, we pioneered skincare technology that helped burn victims heal faster. Today, we're still transforming skin, one routine at a time. We've remained true to our mission — nourishing the skin from within.

Quality. Uncompromised.
Celazome's patented skincare combines nanosphere technology and pharmaceutical-grade ingredients for dramatic improvement to the skin in just two weeks. We stand by every product with a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can work and play confidently, knowing your skincare routine is covered.

Standards as high as your expectations
You can't make promises without holding yourself to high standards. At Celazome, we strive to lead the industry in purity, potency and penetration. We know that these standards combine for results like nothing else on the market.
  • Higher concentrations of active ingredients
  • Formulations driven by clinical studies that prove effectiveness
  • Pharmaceutical standards of quality and potency
  • Deeper penetration of botanicals and active ingredients
We focus on what matters
Our technology was originally developed to treat burn victims with longer-lasting salves for advanced healing. Now, we are just as committed to those results by adhering to these core tenets:

Research – Since 2001, we have completed research and product development in our on-site laboratories. We do not test on animals.

Testing – Clinically tested and guaranteed to meet pharmaceutical standards for quality, all our products are proven to remain stable and active for two years after the manufacture date.

Formulas – Delivering only the finest ingredients via our Lyphazome® natural nanospheres, Celazome products achieve astonishing results, visible in three weeks or less for most people.

Delivery – Lyphazome® natural nanospheres, only 1/50th the size of human skin cells, penetrate the epidermis, delivering ingredients deep into the skin, where they are most effective.

Concentration – Through Dermazone’s natural nanotechnology, at least 80% of bioactive and moisture-loaded reach their target, providing 75 times the concentration found in other encapsulation products.

Sustained Release – For long-lasting care, Lyphazome® natural nanospheres penetrate the skin, slowly releasing ingredients for continuous nurturing. Meanwhile, non-encapsulated ingredients immediately release bioactives on the skin’s surface, for instant results.